Sumber: Siasah, bil. 49 
Oleh Ali Bukhari Amir
Diriwayatkan, bahawa Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) memang berkait rapat dengan tragedi berdarah 13 Mei. Daripada bacaan, tragedi pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu dikatakan ada kaitannya dengan jurang kemiskinan yang melebar antara kaum terbesar di Malaysia. Maka, DEB diwujudkan dengan tujuan merapatkan semula jurang ekonomi tersebut.
Oleh sebab saya anak muda yang lahir pada tahun 1977, maka saya tidak dapat mengulas kejadian itu dengan tepat berbanding orang-orang lama yang mengalami sendiri kejadian tersebut. Malangnya, cerita mereka hanya sekitar ‘parang terbang’ dan ‘selendang merah’.
Bagi saya, kisah ‘parang terbang’ dan ‘selendang merah’ sudah masuk episod di bahagian tengah atau klimaks cerita tersebut. Mana-mana filem dan drama mempunyai tahap awal pengkisahan, klimaks atau kemuncak cerita dan pengakhirannya.
Saya mewakili golongan belia yang lahir selepas 70-an mahu tahu mukadimah awal kisah berdarah tersebut. Di pihak Cina, mereka sudah melancarkan sebuah buku berjudul May 13: Declassified Documents on the Racial Riots of 1969 yang merakamkan awal terhadap drama berdarah ini. Pengarangnya ialah Dr Kua Kia Soong daripada Kolej Era Baru.
Kalau ditanya kepada orang tua Melayu, terutamanya daripada aliran agama, tentunya hal ‘parang terbang’ itu yang masih menjadi bualan hangat. Dalam ruangan yang terbatas ini, saya tidak mungkin mengulas segala kejadian lebih terperinci. Izinkan saya memutarkan pandangan peribadi saya sendiri, semoga saya tersilap hendaknya.
Seperti tajuk di atas, saya tidak boleh bercerita mengenai apakah hakikat yang berlaku kerana saya tidak tahu. Saya cuma ingin memutarkan pandangan peribadi, kenapa DEB tidak berjaya dalam mencapai matlamatnya selama ini.
Diriwayatkan oleh media perdana pada saat itu, 13 Mei terjadi oleh sebab jurang ekonomi yang ketara antara kaum. Pendapat ini tercatit dalam sebuah buku teks yang saya terpaksa menghafalnya di Maktab Mahmud pada 1995 untuk lulus ujian lisan bahasa Melayu.
Semua dasar negara seperti Dasar Penswastaan, Dasar Pensyarikatan dan lain-lain telah meresap jauh di lubuk hati saya dengan mengimaninya penuh percaya. Tetapi, sejak bergelumang dengan universiti, ahli akademik dan Arkib Negara, keraguan mula bersarang. Iman terhadap doktrin itu yang diwiridkan ketika hampir ujian lisan telah gugur satu persatu.
Pertamanya, pembunuhan beramai-ramai lazimnya dilakukan secara terancang. Ia mesti dilakukan dengan menimbulkan ketakutan dan kekecohan. Mustahil jurang ekonomi yang menyebabkan pembunuhan beramai-ramai. Ia mesti terkait dengan politik juga.
Misalnya, peperangan antara bangsa purba adalah kerana peluasan wilayah. Amerika misalnya tidak perlu berperang dengan Malaysia di atas faktor ekonomi. Memadailah penjajahan ekonomi itu dilakukan melalui perjanjian FTA tanpa mengorban ramai jiwa.
Cuma, dalam kes Iraq lain sedikit. Memang benar Amerika menyerang Iraq di atas faktor minyak, ertinya ada unsur ekonomi. Tetapi, Iraq adalah negara yang kuat ketenteraannya dan boleh mencederakan Israel dan Amerika. Ketenteraan ada kaitannya dengan politik.
Kedua, yang meyakinkan saya bahawa faktor politik adalah kemuncak perbalahan serta pertumpahan darah ialah bersandarkan kepada hadis Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud, jika ada dua khalifah dalam satu masa, maka bunuhlah salah seorang daripadanya.
Ertinya, faktor politik menyebabkan terjadinya pertumpahan darah secara jelas. Memang faktor ekonomi juga dapat menjadikan sesebuah negara diserang, tapi dalam kebanyakan kes, ada juga hubungan dua hala antara negara yang dapat menjalinkan hubungan dagang secara aman damai. Namun, dalam soal politik, hal itu lazimnya amat rapat dengan pertumpahan darah.
Lihatlah kes perang di Karbala. Perselingkuhan dalam Majlis Tahkim dan lainnya, semua itu adalah sandaran bukti, bahawa politik memainkan faktor penting dalam tragedi berdarah.
Lihat juga apabila Tuhan menghebahkan kewujudan Adam serta keturunannya sebagai Khalifah di muka bumi. Langsung saja para malaikat menyebutkan, bahawa anak Adam akan berbuat kerosakan dan saling bersengketa menumpahkan darah. Bukankah khalifah itu istilah politik? Khalifah bukan istilah dalam perbendaharaan ekonomi.
Maka, kembali kepada realiti di Malaysia. Saya tidak yakin faktor ekonomi atau apa yang disebutkan sebagai jurang ekonomi yang melebar boleh mencetuskan pertumpahan darah.
Akibat perkembangan paradigma tersebut secara meluas melalui media, maka DEB lahir di mana isi kandungannya menjelaskan, bahawa rusuhan tersebut adalah kesan daripada ekonomi yang tidak stabil. Saya fikir, itulah sebabnya DEB tidak berjaya kerana falsafahnya disusun melalui ‘fatwa’ paradigma yang tidak jelas, tesisnya rapuh.
Atau, jika menoleh kepada faktor ‘keberkatan’ dalam pemerintahan negara, saya melihat DEB tidak berjaya kerana sejak awal-awal lagi parti pemerintah telah berselingkuh serta curang kepada rakyat dengan menyimbahkan kepada mereka hujah yang batal lagi batil adanya.
Orang yang menipu, curang dalam tindak-tanduknya, amalannya bermasalah kerana roh keberkatan itu sudah lari atau pudar keberkatannya. Mereka yang ikhlas bercakap, ikhlas memerintah seperti generasi awal, keberkatan pemerintahannya melimpah ruah dan terserlah.
Itu yang boleh kita bicarakan daripada sudut keberkatan dalam pemerintahan. Akibat tidak berkat itulah, mungkin berlaku ketirisan projek, tragedi perselingkuhan dalam meng’alibaba’kan dana-dana peruntukan pembangunan dan sebagainya.
Ini kerana, sejak awal lagi kita telah menipu. Maka, perlulah kita bercakap benar semula jika kita mahu berjaya. Sama ada betul atau tidak apa yang saya tuliskan di sini boleh dibahaskan semula. Mungkin ada pembaca ingin membantahnya. Jadi, silakanlah.
Syahadan, oleh kerana hal ini tidak terkait ekonomi antara kaum, tetapi berkaitan politik antara kaum, maka sepatutnya DEB itu ditukar nama dan falsafahnya kepada DPB (Dasar Politik Baru) atau DBP (Dasar Baru Politik).
DPB atau DBP penting untuk merumus halatuju serta memperhalusi pendekatan politik kepartian antara kaum-kaum terbesar di Malaysia, agar perpaduan kita lebih terjamin manusiawi, hadhari dan bistari, sekali gus menjadikan negara kita terus cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.
Jangan kita terlalu mudah menerima buta sesuatu buku itu tanpa bersikap kritikal.
Demi keterbukaan, saya bersetuju tetapi kemungkinan sekali orang terlalu asyik dengan teori konspirasi tanpa mahu berlaku objektif. Ramai juga yang terlalu asyik mahu mendengar dan didengari tanpa kebijaksanaan dan objektif yang jelas.
Team Blog pelbagai parti "13 Mei: Dari Kacamata Melayu" mahu juga kehadapan mencari kebenaran. Sila mampir.
Muga kita tidak mudah menjadi seorang apologis, tanpa memahami sejarah tanahair dan perjuangan bangsa kita yang tertindas.
terima kasih saudara PESANAN atas minat saudara terhadap 13 Mei ini.
Saya sedia mampir untuk berbincang. Ada sebuah wawancara di harakahdaily. Ustaz Hassan Shukri tak mahu ulas mengenai 13 Mei. Katanya, "...kerana masing2 parti ada pandangan tersendiri. Ada 13 Mei versi Umno, ada versi DAP dll parti."
Lalu dijawab oleh salah seorang pengunjung di situ yang mana hujah beliau sgt menarik perhatian saya.
Pengunjung tersebut berkata (lebih kurang): "Memang la di pihak Umno, DAP ada versinya. Kita pun nak tau apa pula versi PAS ttg 13 Mei?"
Pada saya, jika orang-orang lama ini tidak mahu berterus-terang, org mcm saya akan terus tinggal di dalam gelap dan kegelapan.
Pak Rustam (Rustam A Sani) di dlm blog beliau menyebutkan bahawa fakta-fakta di London itu jika nak dibandingkan dgn fakta-fakta dalam simpanan SB, fakta SB adalah jauh lebih TEPAT.
Tapi, masalahnya, adakah SB akan sedia menyebarkannya? Mereka tentu akan melindungi semuanya demi menjaga 13 Mei versi Umno.
Saya tinggal di Kg. Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Saya tercari-cari di mana rumah Datuk Harun. Saya simpan angan-angan nak terbitkan sebuah dokumentari.
Tapi, di mana saya perlu bermula? Yang ada di tangan saya, buku Cina Declassified itulah dia...
Ada sisi gelap pada Tun Abdul Razak demikianlah menurut sesetengah orang Melayu, khasnya dalam tragedi 13 Mei.
Penggiat sastera lama pernah sekali merakamkan pesanan, bahawa jika mahu tahu banyak perkara ttg Tun Razak, sila ketemu Tan Sri A. Samad Ismail.
Saya pernah ketemu beliau dahulu. Tapi, percakapannya tidak tersusun lagi. Tapi, mungkin boleh usaha. Mungkin bermula daripada situ kita boleh terbitkan satu 'kitab' baru ttg 13 Mei juga. (sekadar cadangan)
Cina dah ada kitabnya. Yang Melayu di mana kitabnya? Saya sedia untuk mampir. Saya tinggalkan no hp di blog saya. Bila-bila masa saya boleh dihubungi atau boleh di sms kan... Insya Allah ...
Wassalam ...
In history, teacher said that we must accept this injustice because the malays let us to live here as one of their citizens, if it wasn't of their tolerance, we wouldn't be here - during the time before we independence, they keep objects of we existence on this country until they achieve an agreement, where they are the more superior ones.
Shit……….brainwash, nowadays even the textbooks about our country history can't be trusted, they intended to brainwash the younger generation so that they might thought that it was the malays who are the ones who made Malaysia like this today!
But what can we do since such issue is sensitive in our country, talking against it will cost we severely - and they say, Malaysia is a democratic world.
Hello you asked………."You got to give credit to Umno and Umno Youth for the current state of affairs in the country." If you meant language wise in its literary sense - I am packing up and won't come back for anymore banter with thee!
They did a pretty good job in creating the current blooming mess in the country, don't they?
The brain drain, the closed tenders to undeserving contractors, the condoning of keris wielding, the continuing mutual racial suspicions that got worse since 1957, the crony politics, the fly-by-night millionaires with homes that are helicopter pads and gold plated, the schools, the university entrance, the annual scholarship fiasco……….you name it. You got give them credit for them?
Truth hurts but truth really prevails - this country sucks!
With such a corrupted and incompetent government in power now, who want to celebrate the 50th national day? We should mourn the beginning of the death of Malaysia instead.
To Pak Lah and all others, please wake up! Enough is enough! If you cannot perform, please go and let other able men to take over, it is so simple. But where to find able men from this bunch of BN joker ministers?
Umno will never learn nor accept the truth, their only concern is: Power is money - money is power. They will never walk the talk and will never admit the wrong they had created.
When the country has been hijacked by a political party for its top members, waving the country flag is like waving the party flag. I will not do it.
For some reason, I don't feel like flying the flag too. It is like I am not even proud to identify myself a Malaysian - knowing how bleak the future of our nation with our current leaders and those "heir apparent".
The socio-political mood in the country has not changed much from a decade ago. What a shame! (They are cheats, lowlifes, plunderers……….yes!)
We cannot trust politicians to take proper care of the country and its ordinary people. Let us draw a line here and learn from our past mistakes and move Malaysia forward together.
Independence? What independence! We were freed from the British 50 years ago. But we were ruled by apartheid-typed leaders from our own Malaysia, which I think is worse.
These are all bull shit. We do not need to accept all this Umno shit. Let them fight among themselves. One day, there will be a new story and another a newer one through the wits of reckless creatures aiming for the adulterous seat. The country has no place for these hooligans who do not have Malaysia in their hearts.
I just hope that it is not too late before general election comes. Voting to a certain extent is still a passive role. We need to rekindle the same love for Malaysia as our forefathers.
The racial and religious tensions in Malaysia have to get worse first before getting better. Some things have to hit the wall hard first before most people come to their senses.
If the "leaders" of the day have the political will, then the situation may be remedied to a certain extent. Unfortunately none of them do, as they have selfish and vested interests. We are heading for this wall faster than ever.
Those who swallowed the wealth of nation are the ones who do not love the country. The rest are loving the country. Flying the flag is no longer needed.
I should complain about our country that spent so much money in celebrating every year. There are too many national celebrations in Malaysia. This is no more than wasting money.
Our country is so divided now than ever in our history. There is no more unity and the malays are getting more and more arrogant. Their leaders don't give a damn what they say to their followers as long as it wins them some popular votes.
Our leaders lack calibre and direction. Our nation is heading for a difficult period and it will take a lot of effort to unify our various races.
I say let them Umno behave like an idiot if they wish to - come the time when oil runs dried and all the country's fortune being whacked by all these so-called malay warriors, then we will see who can survive the globalization……….
We just need to build our network and backup exit door should something happen to the economy of this country - Chinese is always good at this.
After thousands years of civilization, Chinese are aware and prepared to face the world - so there is nothing much we can do with these morons who are still fighting for their own illusions after almost half a century.
The more they act stupid, the better it is for us - don't wake them up, let them dream-walking.
They are still surviving on two things - oil and businesses built by Chinese - oil will be gone sooner than 15 years - they are eyeing 60% (and maybe 90% later) of Chinese business stake, so it is a matter of time before they force themselves on Chinese equity……….when that happen, we need to get out from here and start afresh elsewhere - let them fight for the leftover after this country has nothing left.
Chinese is known as a survival - do you think YTL or Genting or others are so stupid to put all the eggs in a basket in this country? They know of something which ordinary people do not know - think why they diversify aggressively overseas……….
The truth hurts.
The Chinese or the yellow race is what brings progress. Just look at Asia - is enough.
Whether they do it locally or internationally they will survive.
We can distinctly see the lowering of Malaysia standards of living as the percentage of Chinese in this country goes down.
In the 1970s we were tops with 40 over percent of Chinese and today with only 25% we are far behind Singapore, Korea, and Hong Kong.
Main reason is the number of such Chinese emigrating to these countries - the rich ones and best ones.
Next ten years as the percentage goes even lower, we would be nearing Philippines or Indonesia
Meanwhile enjoy your stay and the good times.
On the whole as the Chinese spreads out throughout the world, the average standards of these will have much higher standards of living over others.
They sound so stupid that only a true Umno pig could post them. I hope, for your own sake, that you are not an Umno pig type.
The Umno pig speaks of media credibility. Here is the million dollar question. What media credibility? All newspapers in Malaysia are government affiliated or owned. There are no real independent daily newspapers in Malaysia!
You want harmony in Malaysia - then control the spread of radical Islamization and stem the march towards Arabism.
The greatest threat to Malaysia harmony, above and over racial tensions, is a majority group with no sense of identity (or a misplaced one). Controlling the Internet will only result in speeding up of stupidity.
Don't be angry. He minister just another asshole. He thinks he can control the Internet media. Huh! Even the US government can't! Morons will be morons! Pretty lame excuse to ensure racial harmony!
Anyway that is the only excuse they got. Answer this Umno moron, how can you promote for a free media where you have licensing board to control it? What kind of country that enforces Internet control? I know one which is the communists. So are you trying to tell us that we are communists? Why be afraid of the Internet if you have mentioned yourselves that it should not be treated as the main media?
Just because we are not allowed to talk about racial issues doesn't mean they are not there. The issues will always be there until we all grow up, our balls dropped and ovaries ripen and we address the problems in a mature way.
However, look at the way things are now. Our "universities" (I truly hesitate to call them that. I think "zoos" would be the more appropriate term, seeing how the dumbass at UPM act recently.) churn our graduates with shit for brains, making them follow the government blindly and useless for the workforce (just look at the number of unemployed local "zoos" graduates).
I find it "funny" and ironic that an Umno pig would open his mouth (snout?) and ask for a ban on the Internet to stop it from being used as a rumor mill when, if we look back to the history of Malaysia, Umno pig is the only party that has spread rumors that have led to bloodshed and racial genocide. Yes, I am talking about May 13.
Yes, Gerakan was wrong when it ran a rally that "insulted" the malays. But, Umno pig could have stopped the whole thing. Gerakan apologized profusely after the rally and the Umno pig could have just ignored them and not host a retaliatory rally of their own.
They could have been the bigger man, but they chose to be eviler pig. They started another rally, spread rumors that some malays were killed by Chinese, and the rest is history.
So to recap, how strange for the only party in Malaysia to cause bloodshed through rallies and rumors to ask for an end of rumors.
Mr Umno pig, are you sure you want to end rumors on the Internet? It has served your Umno pig party very very well in the past, giving you Umno pig control of this country and making you be cronies rich. Think again. Sure you still want censor the Internet?
Government controlled newspapers are good for wrapping nasi lemak. Read Malaysia Today for real news……….Bravo Raja Petra!
To me, Ketuanan Melayu is the false notion of malay greatness or malay supremacy. Truth is - there is nothing to associate the malay race with greatness.
By any widely accepted standards, it will be obvious to see that the malay race does not qualify to be called one of the great races on this world. Truth is that the Chinese and Indians have a culture accomplished far greater and much more than these jokers have.
It should be Chinese and Indian supremacy in Malaysia. The only reason why malays have power in Malaysia is because they have the biggest population, and the racist rhetoric of the malay Umno politicians always sway the malay vote towards themselves.
Anyway, back to the untrue notion of Ketuanan Melayu. Let us see what malays have accomplished. Has any malay won the Nobel Prize - no. Has any malay been nominated for the Nobel Prize - most probably not.
By contrast, numerous Chinese and Indians have won the Nobel Prize and various other awards. The Chinese and Indian diaspora is widely recognized as two of the three most successful diasporas in history, the other being the Jewish diaspora. All over the world, Chinese and Indians have become successful artists, CEOs, doctors, filmmakers, scientists, writers, etc, etc.
Name one malay who is widely recognized around the world in his or her field. The only malay whose name might be recognized out of this country is Mahathir, and he is part Indian. Is malay culture recognized as a world renowned culture - no.
Malay culture, if cultures were ranked, would be close to the bottom. What is their culture compared to the great Chinese and Indian cultures that are centuries old and really rich! The Chinese and Indians have a 5000 years old history during which China and India have played a very important part in world history.
Nobody knew about malays until the Indian kings of south India first came here. That is why the oldest archeological remains in Malaysia, in Lembah Bujang, are Hindu temples.
The malay sultanate itself was started by a Hindu - Parameswara. And even at the height of its power, the Malacca sultanate was nothing more than a vassal of the Chinese emperor.
Have any malay architect designed anything worthwhile - no. Have any malay author won the Booker Prize or the Pulitzer Prize - no. Have any malay filmmaker won an Oscar - no. Have the malays achieved anything in sports - no.
Chinese and Indians have achieved all this. So there is no real Ketuanan Melayu. It is a fiction concocted by racist stupid politicians to keep the "kampung malays" happy thinking that they have had a glorious past.
They don't. Their history isn't worth mentioning. You would never find a mention of malays or Malaysia or Tanah Melayu in most books of world history while entire chapters are devoted to the history of China and India.
The discriminative constitution and law of Malaysia is just a recognition of this fact. The malay leaders and to every single malay knows that on a level playing field, the malays will never be able to compete with the Chinese and Indians.
Bodoh punya melayu……….
Baik balik ke tanah melayu la. We are natives of Sabah and Sarawak land - buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh?
Kita tak suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita - this Sabah and Sarawak land not belongs to your malays.
Get out from Sabah and Sarawak la!
Bodoh melayu!
The facts:
(1) Orang Asli Negritos are the first inhabitants in this land
(2) Proto malays came from Yunan in China
(3) Deutro malays came from Indonesia
(4) Malays are Hindus/Buddhists for 2000 years
(5) Harun and Razak plot the 1969 riot
(6) Social contract distorted after 1969 riot
(7) Bumis term never exist before 1969 riot
(8) lie - Blame Chinese control economic 70%
(9) lie - Blame Chinese/Tamil schools for national disunity
(10) lie - Blame Singapore government suppress malays
(Many more.)
True……….nods head and what man said some malays are brilliant? They were never brilliant - they are just playing stupid. Well, some maybe ok but never brilliant.
If intermarriage is allowed between races without having to be converted to Islam during independence in 1957, new Malaysians will emerge, dominating all sectors of Malaysian life.
For non-malays, we are approx 1/3 of the population of Malaysia. Of course birthrate continue to lower, since most of non-malays emphasis education because survival is the fittest in this environment.
For Chinese and Indians, my advice is simple, hey this planet has many many countries, Malaysia is not a significant country. Do you guys know that you can apply for job in US, then get a social security with approval then zoom, you are in US.
In Europe, Malaysians can have three months without visa to visit EU, plenty of time to search around, please do home work first. I recall in Taiwan, if you are Chinese, ok you can get third rate citizenship and can vote in their presidential election, oops sorry, I don't think Indian can qualify here.
Of course for those poor less educated relatives, suggestion - get one generation into university, whatever way - all you need is one person, he or she will do pull string in next 10 years down the road.
From the TV to the toilet bowls cleaners, everywhere the incompetence malays are there. Malays are becoming a huge question mark to everyone. Soon this Malaysia country will be an Indonesia or other poor and peaceless country.
It is frightening to find out about such things that are happening in our country. Maybe now we won't suffer, but our future generations will. All this discrimination does happen, slowly and silently, we are being blinded from the truth.
Last year I visit Singapore, I fall in love with Singapore. Why? The moment I step in custom immigrant office, I could see multi races working. The malay officer very good in English.
While crushing around in Singapore, all races given opportunity to do business. Church, mosque and temple also build. Singapore is truly race loving peoples. Keep up the good work Singapore.
As for Malaysia, I want see more multi races in banking, if not I will withdraw my money. I have recently withdrawn my money from one bank after seeing only one particular race. I like Public Bank because I could see Chinese, Indian and Malay - so nice to see multi races like Singapore.
That is why Singapore broke ties with Malaysia. It is simply because malays are too incompetent and a pile of shit that lies north of Singapore, polluting the society.
I urge that we should get rid of the malay government by all costs and bring equality to all humans. Singapore has the power to rule Malaysia, that retarded country full of scumbags.
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